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This defiantly was my #firstdesign that #took me #2years to #complete. #OnePerson that I should #thank for #inspiring me to even want to #design is @nickcarter, without him or the #allamericanalbum💿 there wouldn't be #LeppSpotsDesigns. I unfortunately didn't get the opportunity to wear it since I still was drawing the design. I would have loved wearing it to my First #nickcartervipexperience since both the theme and tone I went for is accurate. That's the #only form of my #VCardStatus that I ever #revoked over to him. Next important #person to #thank is @shayberz because without her I wouldn't have been able to pull off #Surprising the hell out of Nick. I #hope one day @nickcarter gets to see this design, I'm just happy I finally finished the final design. #OriginalDesign #Americanflag #Cherries @nickcarter's #DirtyThoughtsandLyrics #CYBSA KTBSPA
4Long time ago

@defleppard #coversong of #depechemode #PersonalJesus is on #repeatmode yep, I'm in #DiehardDefLeppardFan #Zonemode now please tell me that there are #plans to #make a #musicvideo for this?
4Long time ago
13Long time ago

#LeppSpotsDesigns #FacebookPage #Banner #Logo I finally got started on one of the pages for the store yes it is gonna happen I'm so happy!!
515Long time ago

#Baltimore @defleppard #Cool #BadAssWay of #OpeningShows their #Topping @backstreetboys #shows lol yep I went there plus @rokspics was at the #AtlantaShow #July1
5Long time ago

#Baltimore #June162018 My #First ever @DefLeppard #concert #MeetandGreet. Look where I was sitting. I'm also #Promoting my one of my #First #Designs I'm wearing one. #LeppSpotsDesigns #OnceYouGoFrontRowYouNeverGoBack!
120Long time ago
Long time ago

My #JoeElliott #sfuc #Skulltheme #Design I used a #Skull #blades and #Red #White #Black #LeppSpotsDesigns
9Long time ago

@rickallenlive #Design This design out of all them is my #favorite I hope Rick #notices the #colortheme and of course the #detailedDogTag #sketch I #proudly do #own Rick's #RoyalBritishFlagDogTag #wearableartpiece. I did a @ravendrumfoundation #ProjectResiliency theme #LeppSpotsDesigns #RickAllenDesign
6Long time ago

The #Logo I have #posted on my #designs in case in some instances it had been cut off here is what the full one says. I'm #calling my #brand #LeppSpotsDesigns lol obvious reasons. I'm a #Hardcore #Diehard #LeppGirl have been a #DefLeppardFan since #April1992. They also have been #inspiring the designs.
8Long time ago

On Saturday at my #MeetandGreet I told @therealphilcollen that I had done a #DesignForJaxson I felt really bad that I couldn't get it a shirt made for him or could get it onto a USB Drive either. I asked if I could send it on Instagram. I included the design with my #LeppSpotsDesigns #Logo when I uploaded it. I first just would want him and @helencollenphotos to see the design first then I'll send them the files without my logo. I hope they like it when they see it.
112Long time ago
Long time ago
Recorded from the Front Row, excuse my terrible singing voice, I was singing and dancing along to almost every song when I was filming, it was my first show so I was into it, paid off I got Sav and Joe's attention from stage.
Long time ago

Inspiration for #Sav #SFWC #shirtdesign #LeppSpotsDesigns
16Long time ago

@daily_dose_of_sav, I finally got to give Sav the #shirtdesign that I did for him on Saturday at my show in #Baltimore, #6months of #work had paid off. I haven't heard back just hope he loves the #SWFC #Design from one of his bass guitars. I didn't give him a copy with my logo for #LeppSpotsDesigns, here it is.
514Long time ago

#GFDAPledge One word ok maybe One Compound word #VerbalVisualization I #take this #Pledge on my #36thBirthday on the 14th day of April 2018. I'm gonna #Open a #OnlineStore #GoalsForTheFuture
137Long time ago

@rickallenlive At least now I Don't have to #borrow your #DogTag on #June16th for the #MeetandGreet #photos. I now have mine #RoyalBritishFlagDogTag #Wearableartpiece
128Long time ago

#HappyBirthday @shayberz here is to another year to #borrowing my #favequote of @rickallenlive #celebrateyouruniqueness✊ 🎂
414Long time ago

#nedaawareness #eatingdisorderawarenessweek2018 #recoverytattoo This is one of my Recovery Tattoos that I had gotten done near the end of December 2016 as I neared my 7 year mark in Recovery. I have the #nedarecoverysymbol with the #purple and #periwinkle colors. The #quote I had used was from a @backstreetboys #song called #InPieces. It sums up how life feels the moment you start recovery after being in #hell for #15years.
124Long time ago

When you are #going through #boxes of #old @backstreetboys #items you are about to #sell come across #highschool #senioryearmemory from #february #march2001 from #2 of the most #sweetest #5thgradegirls you were a #studentteachersaid for #reminds me that I #turn 36 in #59days and makes me feel older. Still #laugh at how these #younggirls were #Walnuts for @aj_mclean @rokspics. They made being a aid so much fun, I miss them and I did tear up a bit, I #miss being #18.5 #19 where did the #time go?
119Long time ago

Do you wanna get rocked? Not bad for my #First ever @defleppard #Concert #meetandgreet. I also get to see @journeymusicoffical as well. #bucketlist #Item I can now #checkoff
219Long time ago

#New #HairCut #Color #Highlights
124Long time ago

#Why I #Paint my #RingNail #purple As a #domesticviolence #survivor myself I #Vow to #enddomesticviolence by #putthenailinitenddomesticviolenceforgood
17Long time ago

#happyanniversary #BrianLittrell #leighannelittrell #september22000
14Long time ago

#happyanniversary #joeelliott & #kristineelliott
16Long time ago
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This defiantly was my #firstdesign that #took me #2years to #complete. #OnePerson that I should #thank for #inspiring me to even want to #design is @nickcarter, without him or the #allamericanalbum💿 there wouldn't be #LeppSpotsDesigns. I unfortunately didn't get the opportunity to wear it since I still was drawing the design. I would have loved wearing it to my First #nickcartervipexperience since both the theme and tone I went for is accurate. That's the #only form of my #VCardStatus that I ever #revoked over to him. Next important #person to #thank is @shayberz because without her I wouldn't have been able to pull off #Surprising the hell out of Nick. I #hope one day @nickcarter gets to see this design, I'm just happy I finally finished the final design. #OriginalDesign #Americanflag #Cherries @nickcarter's #DirtyThoughtsandLyrics #CYBSA KTBSPA

@rickallenlive #Design This design out of all them is my #favorite I hope Rick #notices the #colortheme and of course the #detailedDogTag #sketch I #proudly do #own Rick's #RoyalBritishFlagDogTag #wearableartpiece. I did a @ravendrumfoundation #ProjectResiliency theme #LeppSpotsDesigns #RickAllenDesign

The #Logo I have #posted on my #designs in case in some instances it had been cut off here is what the full one says. I'm #calling my #brand #LeppSpotsDesigns lol obvious reasons. I'm a #Hardcore #Diehard #LeppGirl have been a #DefLeppardFan since #April1992. They also have been #inspiring the designs.

On Saturday at my #MeetandGreet I told @therealphilcollen that I had done a #DesignForJaxson I felt really bad that I couldn't get it a shirt made for him or could get it onto a USB Drive either. I asked if I could send it on Instagram. I included the design with my #LeppSpotsDesigns #Logo when I uploaded it. I first just would want him and @helencollenphotos to see the design first then I'll send them the files without my logo. I hope they like it when they see it.

@daily_dose_of_sav, I finally got to give Sav the #shirtdesign that I did for him on Saturday at my show in #Baltimore, #6months of #work had paid off. I haven't heard back just hope he loves the #SWFC #Design from one of his bass guitars. I didn't give him a copy with my logo for #LeppSpotsDesigns, here it is.

#nedaawareness #eatingdisorderawarenessweek2018 #recoverytattoo This is one of my Recovery Tattoos that I had gotten done near the end of December 2016 as I neared my 7 year mark in Recovery. I have the #nedarecoverysymbol with the #purple and #periwinkle colors. The #quote I had used was from a @backstreetboys #song called #InPieces. It sums up how life feels the moment you start recovery after being in #hell for #15years.

When you are #going through #boxes of #old @backstreetboys #items you are about to #sell come across #highschool #senioryearmemory from #february #march2001 from #2 of the most #sweetest #5thgradegirls you were a #studentteachersaid for #reminds me that I #turn 36 in #59days and makes me feel older. Still #laugh at how these #younggirls were #Walnuts for @aj_mclean @rokspics. They made being a aid so much fun, I miss them and I did tear up a bit, I #miss being #18.5 #19 where did the #time go?